False Reality - Melodic Death Metal from Transylvania

Chapter II - The Break

From 2003 until 2005 False Reality was in a complete time out, except for sporadic rehearsals with an incomplete lineup, but it was during this period when the idea of starting again with Lucian as a second guitarist emerged.

The inevitable happened in 2005, when Lucian bought an electric guitar and Alex Berekmeri got behind the drums kit. This time the band had no keyboards player, but after a short period of rehearsals Alex quit the band.

Until 2010, Lucian was conscripted to the mandatory military service (2005-2006) and also a number of musicians filled and left the lineup of the band, as follows: George BratoÅŸin - drums, Adina Răducanu - keyboards, Mihai PuÅŸcaÅŸu - drums, along with Adrian Irimie - keyboards and Cristian Tîrsan - drums, temporary rejoining False Reality. Even with all the new members, no live gigs were attended, the members of the band considering that they weren't prepared for this step.

In the autumn of 2009, Radu Grosu became the band's new bass player, replacing Cătălin, who started working abroad.

The last lineup modifications took place in the autumn of 2010, when Codruț Costea took the spot behind the drums and in February 2011, when Vlad Amariei became the band's keyboards player. Another song shortly took shape - Rapture and Pain, and the long awaited moment finally arrived: the first live gig after 8 years, on the 28th of May 2011, in the club Rockstadt from Brașov. As a novelty, Luci became responsible with the clean vocals in the band.